
Letting the app know which config use

Setting the right config file to use is done by using the environment variable APP_SETTINGS.

If your configuration file is api/config/ you should define your variable as:


Overriding using environment

Any key can be overriden using the environment, see the configuration table for the related env key

Creating your configuration file

You can use as example, naming them, the will make sure git ignore it.

Configuration keys and definitions

Upload paths

You can use the following keys to define upload paths:

  • UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST, default: /home/reel2bits/uploads

  • UPLOADED_SOUNDS_DEST, default: /home/reel2bits/uploads/sounds

  • UPLOADED_ARTWORKALBUMS_DEST, default: /home/reel2bits/uploads/artwork_albums

  • UPLOADED_ARTWORKSOUNDS_DEST, default: /home/reel2bits/uploads/artwork_sounds

  • UPLOADED_AVATARS_DEST, default: /home/reel2bits/uploads/avatars

Paths of sounds and waveforms should be under the default one.