Docker installation =================== Docker is the easiest way to get a reel2bits instance up and running. We support one type of Docker deployments: - :ref:`Multi-container `: each process lives in a dedicated container. This setup is more involved but also more flexible and scalable. .. note:: We do not distribute Docker images for non-amd64 architectures yet. However, :doc:`you can easily build those images yourself following our instructions `, and come back to this installation guide once the build is over. .. _docker-multi-container: Multi-container installation ---------------------------- First, ensure you have `Docker `_ and `docker-compose `_ installed. Export the `version you want `_ to deploy (e.g., ``0.6.9``): .. parsed-literal:: export REEL2BITS_VERSION="|version|" Download the sample docker-compose file: .. parsed-literal:: mkdir /srv/reel2bits cd /srv/reel2bits mkdir nginx curl -L -o nginx/nginx.template "$REEL2BITS_VERSION/deploy/docker.nginx.template" curl -L -o nginx/reel2bits_proxy.conf "$REEL2BITS_VERSION/deploy/reel2bits_proxy.conf" curl -L -o docker-compose.yml "$REEL2BITS_VERSION/deploy/docker-compose.yml" You needs to edit ``nginx/reel2bits_proxy.conf`` to replace ``$scheme`` by ``https``. At this point, the architecture of ``/srv/reel2bits`` should look like that: :: . ├── docker-compose.yml └── nginx ├── reel2bits_proxy.conf └── reel2bits.template Create your env file: .. parsed-literal:: curl -L -o .env "$REEL2BITS_VERSION/deploy/" sed -i "s/REEL2BITS_VERSION=latest/REEL2BITS_VERSION=$REEL2BITS_VERSION/" .env chmod 600 .env # reduce permissions on the .env file since it contains sensitive data sudo nano .env Ensure to edit it to match your needs (this file is heavily commented), in particular ``SECRET_KEY``, ``SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT`` or ``REEL2BITS_HOSTNAME``. You should take a look at the `configuration reference `_ for more detailed information regarding each setting. Deploy a frontend build. According to your ``REEL2BITS_FRONTEND_PATH`` in ``.env``: .. parsed-literal:: grep REEL2BITS_FRONTEND_PATH .env REEL2BITS_FRONTEND_PATH=/srv/reel2bits/front/dist mkdir -p /srv/reel2bits/front/dist - The URL for a stable release will be ``. - The URL for master will be ``. You can always go to to check the available archives, and test the link before downloading it. .. parsed-literal:: wget unzip "" -d extract # beware with this command, take care rm -rf "/srv/reel2bits/front/dist/*" cp -r extract/dist/* /srv/reel2bits/front/dist/ # same with this one rm -rf "extract" Then, you should be able to pull the required images: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose pull Run the database container and the initial migrations and database seeds: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up -d postgres docker-compose run --rm api psql -U postgres -h postgres -w -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";' postgres docker-compose run --rm api flask db upgrade docker-compose run --rm api flask db-datas 000-seeds Create your admin user: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run --rm api flask users create Then launch the whole thing: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up -d Test email sending (Important if you configured the app to have user confirm their email !): .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run --rm api flask test-email --email=EMAIL_TO_SEND_TEST_TO Now, you just need to configure your :ref:`reverse-proxy `. Don't worry, it's quite easy.